Prestige Imports is supporting A Precious Child

On November 15th, 2019 / By

Help a Child in Need This Holiday Season.

Prestige Imports is proud to partner with A Precious Child for their annual Precious Gift program.

When you stop by Prestige Imports this holiday season, we invite you to visit our Christmas tree. There you will find ornaments from over 100 Denver area children we have an opportunity to help. For more information, please watch the video above.

How the program works:

  1. Choose an ornament from the tree
  2. Let the reception desk know which ornament you have chosen
  3. Purchase the gifts listed on the ornament
  4. Return the unwrapped gifts to Prestige Imports with the child’s ornament attached (donations of unused wrapping paper gratefully accepted)
  5. Let the reception desk know you have returned with the gifts
  6. Feel great about helping a child in need this holiday season.

No time to stop by the dealership? Simply give us a call. We’ll pick out an ornament and provide you with the pertinent information. Then, once you have completed your shopping, we’ll make arrangements to pick up your gifts.

Please help us bring holiday joy to over 100 Denver area kids.

Prestige Imports 39.740848, -105.100754.